check-in and check-out information

Check-in time is 4:00 pm.

When you arrive at the Teerman Lofts, your arrival package will be in the wall safe located inside the 9th street entrance to the Teerman Lofts. Use the passcode included in your reservation confirmation e-mail to open both the rear entrance door and the wall safe. After entering your code in the wall safe, turn the knob and pull the door open. After retrieving your arrival package, close the door and turn the knob to lock the safe.

Parking is allowed in designated lots and requires a parking permit (included with your stay). This permit must be displayed in the driver-side rear window and is valid for one vehicle in one of the designated parking lots.

Visit our Parking Page for a map and more detailed information.

Note: For driving directions to the parking lot, enter 15 East 9th Street, Holland, MI 49423 into your GPS device.

Check-out time is 11:00 am.